Creating a skilled workforce that is job-ready
Half the population of Scotland is based on North Lanarkshire’s doorstep
71.3% of working age people (16-64) are economically active
Working age population of 219,051
Our workforce is a highly skilled one. We have people who are connected to employment and we support them to access jobs. Through our North Lanarkshire’s Working partnership, we have supported over 7,000 people into work over the last four years. We’re continuing to develop our people for tangible and real roles in the workforce through a wide range of support training and advice.
Crucially, we work closely with our businesses and key industry sectors to identify skills’ shortages and work with further education and training facilities to match industry needs with skilled workers.
Our Lanarkshire Business Gateway service provides free advice and support to those thinking about setting up in business and those looking to sustain, grow or diversify their existing businesses.
92.2% of senior school pupils move to further or higher education, training or a job
North Lanarkshire’s youth employment rate (69%) is significantly higher than the Scottish average (53.4%)
One of the biggest apprenticeship programmes in Scotland
We know this area and our people. We’re also working hard to align our education curriculum to meet current and future business needs.
Our schools ensure there’s a range of learning and support pathways for our young people, equipping them with skills for life and work as they move on to further or higher education, training or a job. We have a refreshed focus on vocational education and all our secondary pupils from August 2021 will benefit from an afternoon every week aligned to vocational, employability and wider development opportunities.
Along with our partners New College Lanarkshire and the University of Strathclyde, we have launched Smart Hub Lanarkshire which is home to a robotics and automation training facility providing dedicated space for manufacturing businesses to meet, learn and access business support and academic expertise. The Hub is also working with our local schools to excite and inspire our next generation of young people in an increasingly digital world.
We work closely with local schools to find the brightest young engineers